Here's a VERY rough draft of what the Mission/Vision team is coming up with for Core Values..... We folded (combined) a couple into others to come up with these - and they likely need more wordsmithing....
Seventh-day Adventist Community Church Core Values
Following God's lead with faith and prayer in effective community, discipleship and evangelism.
Evangelism – Lost people matter to God, therefore they matter to us – this means we prioritize the lost in our decisions – money, programming, and ministries. We will always maintain our doctrinal purity to the distinctive Adventist truths while we seek to win the lost at all costs.
2. Effectiveness – We're not seeking to do the best, but to do what we do effectively – this means we will consistently and constantly evaluate and measure our worship, evangelism, discipleship, prayer and stewardship.
Community – A life lived within a community of believers is better served – this is played out in our acceptance of everyone, our worship together, and through our use of small groups for social, discipleship and service.
Discipleship – Full devotion to Christ and His Cause is normal – this is a journey that never ends for the believer. Discipleship is following and it involves, but is not limited to: prayer, service, small groups, serving in your giftedness in teams, studying the Bible, sharing your faith, redemptive friendships, worship (private and corporate) and a proper use of Ellen White.