Sunday, May 31, 2009

So Simple Yet So Profound

As a church our ultimate goal is to reconcile the world and specifically our world to God through Jesus Christ. Christian churches around the world have worked tirelessly over the last twenty centuries and yet the world, at least our world here in North America seems farther way from God.

In my quiet time this morning I discovered something so simple yet so profound in God's word - something I've never seen in this light before. Listen to this...

When a person's ways are pleasing to the LORD, he even reconciles his enemies to himself. Proverbs 16:7 (NET)

WOW! Could this not also apply to the church - our church? Could we say that when the Adventist Community Church of Vancouver's ways are pleasing to the LORD, we even reconcile our enemies with the Church and thus with God?

As we envision the future of our church we must pray that the ways that we devise and follow would be pleasing to the LORD so that we could thereby aid in recociling our world to God.

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