Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wanted: Vision Implants

In my devotional time this morning I was unsettled by the lyrics in David's song recorded in Psalm 20. Especially Psalm 20:4

"May he [God] grant your heart's desire; may he bring all your plans to pass!"

I don't know about you - but I don't trust my heart's desire or the plans I concoct. Before I can sing these words I need implants! First, I need God to implant His desires in my heart. Second, I need God to implant his vision (plans) into my mind.

Maybe I'm the only one with this struggle - I'm naturally self-centered. If the desires and plans of my natural heart are allowed to be brought to pass I fear that I'll find myself heading down the broad road to destruction instead of the narrow road that leads to life.

Pastor Roger is right - we need to be focused on Christ. And as we move forward as a church and as leaders in the cause for Christ it's my prayer that God will implant His desires in our hearts and His plans in our minds.

Pastor Gene

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